

This is a personal website. I don't intend it to be about me, just by me. I am not on "social media" and my "publication" of anything here or anywhere is not really an invitation for public comment or to facilitate any debate or argumentation. I do not give permission to use anything I publish here for any purpose nor for "fair use." Write what you want and think about on your own space or on your own social media accounts. Feel free to invite me to visit to read and consider what you think in your own space, this one is my space and on my property. Feel free to look around as a guest or as an invited friend with the same professional courtesy and respect you'd want others to give to you and your home. I consider this site as more of my own form of artistic expression, and freedom of speech and beliefs. I don't care to place cookies or to track whomever or whatever peruses my website. Therefore there is no legalese or privacy policy. I am a 100% extremist in regard to privacy and despise proprietary software and spyware in every form that it manifests in life. Also I'm not available for consultation, nor for hire, and I'd be extremely expensive (starting at 1 oz of gold as a barter for my initial time) and wouldn't accept any third party agreements if I were. I am practicing medicine outside of this venue and this site is not intended at this time to be for any medical or business purposes at the time of this writing, nor is my site or any of my links intended to be used to facilitate contacting me for my medical opinion, skills or for any solicitations of readers or myself for business transactions.

Glory to Jesus Christ, In Health and For Liberty,

Dr. Steve (N3TBJ)

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ÐɌ⚕ ŠŦɆɅɆ ⚜ӍʘɌɌɆѦŁɆ (N3TBJ) steve(at)drmorreale.com

I only accept emails that are encrypted to this key and have the public key of the sender attached. Inform yourself accordingly or please do not contact me. Thank you! HAVE A BLESSED DAY!